புதன், 2 நவம்பர், 2016

TYPES OF PATTA : பட்டா வகைகள்

TYPES OF PATTA : பட்டா வகைகள்
1.NATHAM PATTA : நத்தம் பட்டா .
2.RYOTVARI PATTA : ரயத்துவரி பட்டா
3.2-C PATTA -2-C பட்டா .,

The word denotes the land which is suitable for constructing buildings.Thus are called NATHAM LANDS.This NATHAM PATTA is issued to the peoples who doesn't have own house in their revenue village.And the poor person who is in long possession and enjoyment of the NATHAM LAND by constructed small hut / home in that Land.
RYOTVARI PATTA is issued to peoples who was in possession and enjoying the INAM LANDS.The inam lands are 'Surotriyams ‘Agraharam’ Zamindari’.
The persons who have private rights for trees in the GOVERNMENT PUBLIC LANDS.This PATTA was issued to the person and the tax was collected from him.Nowadays, there is no 2-C PATTA issued by revenue department.

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