Sample Petition Model
Complaint to Superintendent of Police under Cr.PC 1973 sec 154(3) (if there is refusal to register FIR)
Note: Post it by Registered AD
Superintendent of Police
City Name
Sub: Complaint regarding refusal by police to register an FIR in cognizable
I, Shri/Shrimati....................................... S/o, W/o.................................
aged..........years, a permanent resident of ...........................................................
and at present residing at House No......................... Ward.........................
Village/ Municipality with number in the voter’s list ( if any)
.................................................. hereby make a complaint which occurred
on....................................(date) as follows:—
(Mention the event) & also attach
the cognizable information you wanted police to register as FIR.
I, therefore pray you to kindly enquire into the above complaint and take further
action as deemed proper.
Yours faithfully,
Note: Post it by Registered AD
Superintendent of Police
City Name
Sub: Complaint regarding refusal by police to register an FIR in cognizable
I, Shri/Shrimati....................................... S/o, W/o.................................
aged..........years, a permanent resident of ...........................................................
and at present residing at House No......................... Ward.........................
Village/ Municipality with number in the voter’s list ( if any)
.................................................. hereby make a complaint which occurred
on....................................(date) as follows:—
(Mention the event) & also attach
the cognizable information you wanted police to register as FIR.
I, therefore pray you to kindly enquire into the above complaint and take further
action as deemed proper.
Yours faithfully,