Madras university has announced a free education scheme for Orphans, Transgenders, children of widower and students from economically backward families.
Please find the application form in attachment.
The eligible candidates will be selected on the following conditions.
1. The Family income should not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- P.A.
2. The Family should not own a house and land..
3. The Orphans, Widows Children, Transgender should obtain 50% of
4. The Candidate should be the First Graduate in the family should obtain
60% of marks.
5. Other Candidates Secure 80% and above marks will be consider on the
basis Economic and Family Circumstances.
6. The Candidates should have passed all subject in first attempt.
7. The last date for submission of applications is fixed 15 days after the
publications of the Higher secondary Examinations Result.
8. The candidate should be produce proof of documentary evidence such as
income certificate, community certificate from the
revenue department, ration card, first graduate certificate.