செவ்வாய், 5 ஜனவரி, 2016

An advice to Jayalalitha

The Tamilnadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha has written to the Prime Minister asking the Central Govt. to issue an Ordinance to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and permit Jallikattu.
I think she has been wrongly advised by her lawyers.
Sports, entertainment and amusement are subjects in entry 33 of the state list of the 7th Schedule to the Constitution. So the state govt. can advise the Tamilnadu Governor to immediately issue such an Ordinance, and there is no need to approach the Central Govt. for this purpose.
In that state Ordinance there can be provisions preventing excessive dangers to human life and excessive cruelty to bulls during Jallikattu. In pith and substance such an Ordinance will be on the subject of sports, entertainment and amusement, and so there will be no conflict with the PCA Act
Will someone convey this opinion to Jayalalitha ?

thanks to :Markandey Katju

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