சனி, 31 டிசம்பர், 2016

“The Hacker group Legion are Italy-based Israelis working for PM Modi” alleges Anon Hacktivist

There has been a series of assaults carefully targeted on high profile Indians Twitter handles like of Rahul GandhiINC officialVijaya Mallya , Barkha Dutt and Ravish Kumar, ironically except Vijaya Mallya all have been critics of Modi Government. It seemed obvious that such work is being done at some professional level and by some group hired by ruling government.
Finally the cat is out of the bag and busted these hackers who call themselves ‘Legion’ , they have been exposed after a hacktivist from Anonymous group claimed these hackers are based in Italy and are Israelis origin who have been hired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration.
The Anon Hacktivist claimed that they identified the “legion” hackers when they mistakenly dumped a zip file in Vijaya Mallya’s hacked account data, that tainted zip filed showed the Zip Tool carried their details.

The hacktivist also claims this is against the morality of Anonymous group to target anyone’s personal accounts

It is believed the Italian Based hackers coordinated with two more hackers from India while hacking Barkha Dutt and Ravish Kumar’s Twitter Handle, he disclosed the location to be from a Paharganj Hotel
He claimed it will be useless to depend on Delhi Police to track these hackers as they themselves have been using softwares developed by them. 
He added the reason why he is exposing the hackers is because they might become a threat for 1/6th of Indians
One more point to be noted is in July a twitter handle named ‘BJP Insider’ which claims to leak BJP office info’s had tweeted in July that BJP administration has hired few hackers to use against critics when needed

Dislclaimer : This article is based on the narrative of above twitter user, Irony of India holds no confirmation or authentication about the allegation.

source: http://www.ironyofindia.com/2016/12/the-hacker-group-legion-are-italy-based-israelis-working-for-pm-modi-alleges-anon-hacktivist/

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