செவ்வாய், 16 பிப்ரவரி, 2016

So Was it an ABVP/ RSS Game – Who Shouted ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ in JNU?

While some television channels, through a combination of unethical playing to the gallery (and to the Modi regime), have portrayed ‘JNU students’ as antinational Leftists, Pakistani agents etc, a video has surfaced that has gone viral over social media that allegedly shows identifiable ABVP students shouting ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans.
The four students who are seen in the video shouting ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans, have been identified as ABVP activists (one of them has even been identified by name as Shruti Agnihotri), seen leading protests elsewhere in ABVP  demonstrations.
It is of course, a question that no one in the electronic media (print was different this time) sought to even ask themselves – as to who would be interested in shouting ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans? This is a purely RSS/ABVP/Hindutva obsession. No Leftist that I know of (and I think I know almost all shades by now) would have any reason to shout something as stupid and meaningless as ‘Pakistan Zindabad’! Now, the exchange below also puts things in perspective.
We do not of course, vouch for the authenticity of this video. We wait to be refuted and to be  told that all this  is doctored but the point will still remain, as one of the participants in  the exchange below states, what a curious coincidence that only Zee News  had access to the video that showed ‘students’ shouting pro-Pakistan slogans!
Any enquiry into the incident must take into account this video, investigate its authenticity, and take stern measures if it is proved to be accurate.

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